This image was created with the AI Midjourney by the appliedAI Institute for Europe.

AI Engineering Resources

What do we offer?

The appliedAI Institute for Europe has the vision to be the open-access accelerator for the application of trustworthy AI. Our mission is to identify, test, and disseminate established and emerging machine learning techniques. We want to provide practitioners with the best tools for their applications. Our appliedAI Institute for Europe TransferLab team is dedicated to doing just that.

Learn more about what TransferLab has to offer.

lakeFS-spec library

We are introducing the open source library lakeFS-spec! The Python library simplifies file access and versioning in the lakeFS data lake, making it as effortless as working with the local filesystem.

Paper Pills

Paper Pills are aimed at practitioners or researchers who want to gain insight into the latest developments but are short on time.We publish monthly summaries and occasional highlights from important conferences.


We test and evaluate new methods and provide robust, well-documented and tested implementations that go beyond what is typically found in academic papers.

TransferLab Blog

We publish introductory articles for beginners and summaries for experienced professionals who are on a tight schedule.

Areas of interest of the appliedAI Institute for Europe TransferLab team

Interested in the security and reliability of MLOps topics and want to read more and dig deeper? The TransferLab team has various areas of interest that the team delves deeper into, with new content added on a regular basis.

Here you can find more information about the TransferLab team's areas of interest:

Security and reliability in ML systems

Production systems must include testing to ensure that operating and training conditions are consistent.

Efficient machine learning

Modern AI suffers from ever-increasing costs of time, infrastructure, and energy. We are interested in efficient methods that require less data and computation.

Trustworthy and interpretable ML

Automating decisions based on data is a multi-faceted problem. We deal with everything from anomaly detection to model calibration.

Advances and fundamentals in ML

We are keeping an eye open for interesting developments in as many areas of machine learning as possible and hope to identify developments with great potential.

ML Operations

Implementing AI solutions requires different approaches IT, security and operations.