This image was created with the AI Midjourney by the appliedAI Institute for Europe.

Our AI Career Kickstart Program

Become part of the appliedAI Institute AI Career Kickstart Program! Apply now!

What is the "AI Career Kickstart Program"?

Our goal is to bring students and companies together to shape a future in the age of trustworthy AI. The AI Career Kickstart Program enables just that, offering students the opportunity to dig deeper into professional ML systems development and companies to nurture young talent in the field of AI.

Start date is October 11, 2024

Deadline for registration is August 15th, 2024

6 months: hands-on training for students in data-related degree programs

  • 2 months: Knowledge building - What are the requirements of companies for AI projects? Talking to AI experts and preparing to implement an ML system.
  • 3 months: How to develop a final product? Developing a prototype for a professional ML system that meets the requirements of MLOps and Trustworthy AI.
  • 1 Month: What can a career in AI actually look like? AI Career Coaching

3-6 Months: internship in a company to co-develop a ML project

  • Hands-on experience in AI at the beginning of the AI career.
  • Direct application of what you learn in a company.
This image was created with the AI Midjourney by the appliedAI Institute for Europe.

What are the goals?

ML Knowledge and Skills:

We want to give students not only different perspectives on developing and maintaining ML systems, but also enable them to create a working prototype of a production-scale ML system.

Future and Career:

We want to help students with upcoming career decisions as they begin their AI careers.

Networking and Exchange:

We aim to build a network of peers to provide a platform to share early career challenges and insights.

Among our company partners for the program we have EnBW, Bosch, G+D, appliedai.