This image was created with the AI Midjourney by the appliedAI Institute for Europe.

Knowledge partnerships

The appliedAI Institute for Europe works together in an ecosystem of like-minded organizations to achieve our goal of supporting professionals in the development and application of AI.

Collaboration in the AI ecosystem

The best way to shape the future we want to live in is to work together. In our ecosystem, we therefore collaborate with different organizations to reach as many professionals as possible with our knowledge, resources and tools. Organizations have the opportunity to partner with us in the following formats.

  • Upskilling and educational programs in the field of AI
  • Development of resources and trainings to bring trusted AI into use
  • Cooperation within the framework of the European AI Startup Landscape
  • Joint research
  • Publications

In addition, we support other non-profit organizations in an advisory capacity.

Organizations interested in working with us are welcome to contact us.

Political and European partners

European commission
Europaeisches parlament logo
Bayrisches Ministerium für Digitales
IPAI Standard Logo Orange RGB
AI Sweden 1
NLAIC Logo 1
HUB Logo Symbole 2 Couleurs 1 1
Ignite Logo newblue
Rise of AI
Confiance AI
AI Austria
AI Poland
Logo Mission KI kompakt

Partnerships within the framework of the European AI Startup Landscape

European initiatives interested in cooperation are welcome to contact

AI Sweden 1 1
HUB Logo Symbole 2 Couleurs 1 1 1
Ignite Logo newblue 1
NLAIC Logo 1 1
Vinnovalogo 1

Partnerships in our TransferLab Community

You can find all the resources and how to contact us on the TransferLab page. 

TU Darmstadt
Technische Universitatt Dortmund
UCM Logo
Uni tuebingen
Radboud Uni

Partnerships with StartUp Incubators

Unternehmer TUM
A Ifounders logo

Education Partnerships

Bayerisches staatsministerium wirtschaft landesentwicklung energie
Ki campus
42 Heilbronn
Wissensstadt Heilbronn

Cooperation with foundations

DSS Logo schwarz RGB
Heinz und heide duerr stiftung

Become our partner